Instagram增粉 eBay上的拉美卖家数量迅速增长,他们纷纷开启“爆单”模式!现在,我想和大家分享一个我自己制作的表格。

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据报道,eBay正在不断升级与发展其商店,其中包括现代化店面、丰富的商品销售功能,以及允许卖家展示特色产品(例如通过促销活动和优惠券)。此外,eBay还在测试一个名为"About Me"的标签,卖家可以在其中分享个人故事,展示产品理念,从而吸引更多卖家并建立品牌信任。

Reportedly, eBay is consistently enhancing and evolving its stores by introducing modernized versions that feature enhanced sales capabilities. Additionally, sellers are given the opportunity to showcase unique products in their stores, including the use of coded coupons for promotional purposes. Moreover, eBay is currently experimenting with an "about me" tag that enables sellers to share personal stories and product ideas, aiming to attract additional sellers and establish brand credibility.

Pete Thompson表示,eBay正在为卖家提供更多了解其客户喜好的方法,并测试让买家更快地了解商店中的产品资源。此外,eBay也在不断升级商品详情页对视频格式的支持,以提升卖家的广告业务并改善消费者的购物体验。


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