ins华人赞 关于亚马逊账号关联的高竞争类别操作方法,来不及解释了,反正这

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If Zhang San frequently brings several or dozens of letters to Shenzhen post office daily, they won't pay special attention to him. However, if one day Zhang San arrives at Shenzhen post office with a truckload of letters, they might assume he is sending junk mail. This is because regular people cannot send such a large number of letters in a day. Besides Zhang San, Shenzhen post office serves many other customers who want to send letters in Shenzhen. If all the staff are occupied with Zhang San's truck, they won't be able to serve other customers. Hence, the post office cannot allow Zhang San's behavior. As a result, his letter sending capability will be limited by Shenzhen post office or he might be added to the blacklist and no longer receive mail services.

< p >前段时间我公司包括我们会员公司使用的很多网易企业都是这种情况。首先,我们限制每天发送20封邮件,然后提交保证书,然后观察7天。7天内没有再次发送垃圾邮件,然后慢慢恢复每天发送的数量。但是如果有第二次这样的情况,基本没有解封的可能。


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